Family of Montel A. Smith

Family of Montel A. Smith

Montel A Smith graduated from Waverly High School and furthered his education at Lansing Community College and Spring Arbor University. His major was Communications and Public Relations. He was a member of the Basketball team in high school and college. He also participated in the Moneyball Pro-AM League.

He was a very courageous young man whose character was built on the obstacles he encountered in High School and on and off the court, such as bullying. He had a love for people which was displayed in his approach to them with either a smile, hug, or a handshake. He volunteered in several communities and area basketball camps. He had a tattoo that read: G>/\V = God is greater than the highs and the lows.

Montel was killed in a tragic car accident on April 23, 2015, in Grand Ledge, Michigan. In his honor, the Montel A. Smith Scholarship has been established to continue the act of giving by providing assistance and encouragement for students who wish to continue their educational studies for a better future.
